One Contact– Goettsch works with the equipment manufacturers and coordinates shipping, delivery and installation so you can focus on your business.
Our team of skilled technicians are experienced with corrugating, converting and scrap handling machinery and systems. Our dedication to breakthrough technology, unsurpassed technical expertise and our unique ability to take a project from design to installation have earned us a reputation for delivering 100% satisfaction.
Case Study #1 – Two Complete High Graphics Die Cutter Lines

Description: New corrugated plant in South America. Goettsch designed, delivered and installed two complete die cutter lines.
Benefits: A cost-effective solution for two complete high volume, high graphics lines meeting the customer’s financial and operational objectives.
- Prefeeders: Woosung Autocon (WSA) 2000x2800
- Rotary Die Cutters: Dong Fang Apstar HG 1628 3 & 4 color high graphics machines
- Stackers: George M. Martin Series II Stackers with optional right angle bundle conveyor for strapping line
- Conveyors: C & M Conveyor floor and bundle conveyors
- Load Formers: Woosung Autocon (WSA) 1800x1800


Comments: Goettsch also designed and installed (not shown) a complete air scrap system from the corrugator and all finishing lines, including a KWS Pit conveyor, Midsouth ductwork, BloApCo material handling fans, shredder and under roof dust collector and an American Baler 4029 auto-tie baler.