One Contact– Goettsch works with the equipment manufacturers and coordinates shipping, delivery and installation so you can focus on your business.
Our team of skilled technicians are experienced with corrugating, converting and scrap handling machinery and systems. Our dedication to breakthrough technology, unsurpassed technical expertise and our unique ability to take a project from design to installation have earned us a reputation for delivering 100% satisfaction.
Case Study #1 – Scrap System for a New High Speed Corrugator

Description: Goettsch designed, delivered & provided turnkey installation of a complete scrap / recycling system for a new high speed corrugator at a new sheet feeder plant in Mexico.
Benefits: Ability to handle high speed trim as well as full large sheet scrap from an adjacent finishing operation in the same building. All equipment interfaces with the customers’ order and plant management software.
- Fan / Trim Cutters: BloApCo 5SC trim cutters and 35-2 material handling fan
- Air System: Midsouth Conveying – including under roof cyclone & rotary air lock
- Feed Conveyor: Karl W. Schmidt model SBC slider bed baler feed conveyor for above ground loading
- Baler: American Baler model 7242 WS-1050 wide mouth hydraulic horizontal auto tie baler
Comments: Goettsch also designed and installed (not shown) a C & M Conveyor corrugator take off line including all hardware, logic, controls and communication for both upper & lower knives, with sheet insertion, right angle chain transfer to a centering device, a customer supplied strapper and separate dispatch fingers with fork entries for use with plastic sleeves.